Wolf Hollow is the story of a young girl, Annabelle, who lives in the United States during World War II. She and her family befriend an old man, a veteran, who lives in extreme poverty, Toby. When Toby is accused of kidnapping a young girl, Betty, a tough and imposing person, who constantly bullies Annabelle, Annabelle and her family try to rescue this veteran. Faced with obvious social bias and injustice towards Toby, proving his innocence proves to be a very hard job, that involves a lot of strategy and sacrifices…
This story is definitely one of the saddest ones I have ever read, as a few times I was almost crying! However, I think this story is extremely well written, and perfectly illustrates the occasional lack of justice in society. I recommend this story to anyone who doesn’t mind sad books and is open to a difficult story that makes you think. Many critics have called this story a modern version of “To Kill a Mockingbird”, a well-known classic portraying social injustice.
Rating: (4.5 / 5)
Release Date: 2016
Author: Lauren Wolk
Publishing House: Dutton