The Royal Ballet School Diaries, is a book series that narrates Ellie’s life. Ellie is a young girl, that goes to the Royal Ballet School, a very prestigious English boarding school, where in addition academic classes, there is an intense ballet program. In these books, Ellie has to find the right balance between school and ballet. The books of this series progress as Ellie is advancing through her school years. I strongly recommend this series as I thoroughly enjoyed sharing the struggles and joys of high level young athletes. When I started reading the first book, I got so attached to this series that I was unable to put the books down until I had finished all eight books.
Rating: (5 / 5)
Release Date: 2005
Author: Alexandra Moss
Publishing House:S cholastic
Age Suggestion:9 to 12
Number of books:8
Salut ,
je suis pas une grande fan des livres anglais mais plus je lis ton blog plus je commence à trouver les livres anglais plus passionnant. Merci de m’avoir fait découvert de nouvelles choses très intéressantes. Continue comme ça 😉
Je suis très contente que mon blogue t’as fait découvrir et aimé des livres en anglais!